Please read on if you downloaded a KINDLE version of LIVING THE DREAM within 36 hours of its release at midnight, November 25th (this includes PREORDERED COPIES).
I am not sure how this happened, but the original version of the Kindle file contains two Chapter 18’s and NO Chapter 19. This has been corrected and Amazon has promised me that you will all receive a notice and have a chance to update your file.

HOWEVER, they have said this process could take up to FOUR weeks (though it could happen as soon as 5 days). I’m not going to talk about my level of frustration over this, I am simply going to tell you that if you want to read the correct version before then, you’ll need to contact Kindle support (through chat is the fastest) and tell them you want the updated file pushed to your device. People have tried this with great success!

I am very sorry for the inconvenience this has caused, but please know that I have spent every hour of the past two days trying to get it correct as quickly as possible.

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