Secrets Don’t Make Survivors + BIG PRINT BOOK GIVEAWAY

Hey butterflies! It’s that time again – release day! Secrets Don’t Make Survivors is available today!

Here are the buy links: Kindle | Nook | iBooks | Kobo | Google Play | Paperback (Amazon)
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SDMSFinalTo celebrate the releases of both Secrets Don’t Make Survivors and Center Stage on March 15th, New York Times Bestselling Author Denise Grover Swank and I are joining forces and giving away a whole load of SIGNED PRINT BOOKS throughout the day.

You’ll have the chance to win signed books from authors like Debra Holland, Jana DeLeon, Deanna Chase, Lee Strauss, Melissa F. Miller, Melissa Olson, Melinda Leigh, H.Y. Hanna, Kendra Elliot, Jenna Bennett, Nic Saint, ReGina Welling, LJ Charles, and Diane Capri.

In addition, Denise is contributing a FULL SIGNED SET of Rose Gardner Mysteries and I’m offering the same with the Lowcountry Mysteries!

All you have to do is check our pages throughout the day tomorrow, or come back to this post and click the links every hour to like, comment and enter!

Details: The posts will be open until midnight CDT on Tuesday, March 15th. We will announce the winners on Wednesday, March 16th and get the prizes in the mail as soon as possible after that.

9:00 AM: Denise Grover Swank (Center Stage AND Secrets Don’t Make Survivors)

10:00 AM: Lyla Payne (FULL SET of the SIGNED Rose Gardner Mysteries)

11:00 AM: Denise Grover Swank (FULL set of the Lowcountry Mysteries)

12:00 PM: Lyla Payne (A Cutthroat Business by Jenna Bennett, Louisiana Longshot by Jana DeLeon, Cat Killed a Rat by ReGina Welling, A Scone to Die For by H.Y. Hanna, Not Quite Dead by Lyla Payne, and Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank) –

1:00 PM: Denise Grover Swank (A Clash of Spooks by Nic Saint, Trouble in Mudbug by Jana DeLeon, Rings on Her Fingers by ReGina Welling, Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier by Deanna Chase, and Not Quite Dead by Lyla Payne)

2:00 PM: Lyla Payne (A Touch of Ice, Burned, and Two Hearts by LJ Charles, Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank, Not Quite Dead by Lyla Payne and Spirits, Stilettos, and a Silver Bustier by Deanna Chase) –

3:00 PM: Denise Grover Swank (Secrets Don’t Make Friends and Secrets Don’t Make Survivors by Lyla Payne)

4:00 PM: Lyla Payne (Due Justice by Diane Capri, Center Stage by Denise Grover Swank, Gingerbread Man by Lee Strauss, Secrets Don’t Make Friends by Lyla Payne) –

5:00 PM: Denise Grover Swank (Rosemary’s Gravy by Melissa F. Miller, The Big Keep by Melissa Olson, Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank, Not Quite Dead by Lyla Payne)

6:00 PM: Lyla Payne (Secrets Don’t Make Friends and Not Quite Dead by Lyla Payne, Center Stage and Twenty-Eight and a Half Wishes by Denise Grover Swank) –

7:00 PM: Denise Grover Swank (Known by Kendra Elliott, Center Stage by Denise Grover Swank, Secrets Don’t Make Survivors by Lyla Payne, She Can Kill by Melinda Leigh)

Hop on over to our Facebook pages (Lyla Payne and Denise Grover Swank – Author) to enter during the day. Here’s the link to the initial post with all of the details!

Happy reading!


***SALE ALERT*** The Whitman University Boxed Set, which contains all four of the existing titles, is on sale for a limited time – grab it while it’s just $.99 on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, or iBooks!! ***SALE ALERT***

I’m so excited to have Not Quite Dead out in the world, and in an effort to help it finds its way into the hands of more readers (who I hope will love it!), I’ve put together an EPIC giveaway!! I know you’re going to love love love some or all of the prizes!!


There are 3 ways to get earn entries to the contest, and the first two are required:

1. Read Not Quite Dead and leave a review on Amazon, iBooks, or Barnes and Noble (REQUIRED). You’ll need to link to your review in the comments. If you’ve already read and reviewed, YES, you can use that as your entry.

2. Sign up for my newsletter (REQUIRED). If you’re already signed up for the newsletter, you qualify. Just leave that information in the comments and if you’re a winner, I’ll verify then.

3. Tweet or Facebook about the contest. This is going to be on the honor system, but know if you win, I’ll be checking up on your feeds!

ALL of this information should be in a comment on THIS POST.

I’ll choose SIX random winners and go top to bottom, letting them choose the prize of their choice.


1. An iPad Mini!


2. A signed, annotated (that means I go through it and leave comments in the margins–anything that comes to mind, which could be thoughts about characters, stories about what inspired a scene, etc) paperback of one of my books (winner’s choice)!

3. An advanced copy of Thirty-Two and a Half Complications by Denise Grover Swank OR signed paperbacks of the first FOUR Rose Gardner books plus the novella.


4-6. One of THREE gift baskets inspired by Graciela and Not Quite Dead. This includes a Southern cookbook, one of my favorite books of Charleston ghost stories, a bottle of Gracie’s favorite vodka, an oogle to ward off evil spirits lurking in the night, a voodoo doll, signed copies of ALL my Lyla Payne titles, swag and anything else I feel like tossing in at the last minute.

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Okay, so I hope you’re excited!! You can email me at lylapayneauthor at gmail dot com if you have any questions, or leave them in the comments below.

Contest ends April 30th!!

Buy Not Quite Dead!


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