Today is the release of not only my first adult title, but my first book that’s not set on or around the Whitman University campus. After writing Staying On Top, I felt as though the both the series and I were a little fatigued. Trying something new and exciting and different really appealed to me, which is how Not Quite Dead found its way into your hot little hands today.
It’s not New Adult. It’s not contemporary or particularly sexy. It’s not set on a college campus.
But it DOES have so many things I hope you’ll love:
1. A smartass, depressed, lovable, foul-mouthed main character looking for her path in life.
2. A ghost story that’s based on Southern history, and includes the heyday of Caribbean piracy to boot!
3. Family relationships and lifelong friendships, and all of the wonderful complications that ensue.
4. Mystery
5. A hot young mayor who, I feel certain, will be bringing the sexytimes in future installments.
To make a long story short (too late), although Not Quite Dead is different, and I’m terrified no one is going to read it/love it/recommend it to their friends, I am so happy I wrote it. So excited to share it with you. Because sometimes we need a fresh page, a blank slate, a new direction. Like Graciela, the protagonist of the story, I’m wandering a little bit while finding my way.
If you come along, I hope you enjoy the stroll.
Not Quite Dead is available today on every outlet except iBooks, but they should be on board soon!